Skeptic publishes articles, essays, monographs, review essays,
summaries and abstracts of books and articles pertaining to rational
skepticism, science and the scientific method, and critical thinking
as appropriate in and applied to the physical, biological, and
human-action sciences, the history of science, magic, superstition,
and skepticism, the applications and limitations of science and
technology, and a variety of claims in the pseudosciences and the
paranormal. Major articles are either invited or submitted and
refereed by the editor, members of the editorial advisory board, or an
appropriate expert in the field. Manuscripts should be submitted in
duplicate with a brief abstract to the Editor-in-Chief at P.O. Box 338
Altadena, CA 91001. Manuscripts should be double-spaced
and typewritten or processed in a high quality mode on a printer. Macintosh
disks are preferred, IBM/clone acceptable. Bibliographic information
should be parenthetical (author, date, page) in the text, bibliography
at the end. B/W photographs and line illustrations acceptable. Unless
otherwise agreed, upon publication copyright will be transferred to the
Skeptics Society. Contents of the magazine may not be reproduced in
any manner without permission.